NASTD 2023 Annual Conference

Aug 21, 2023

August 27 – August 30, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts

Planet is a gold sponsor and active participant in the National Association of State Technology Directors (NASTD) Annual Conference.

SLED & Commercial Operations CTO Demetrias Rodgers will be part of a panel discussion about Legacy Applications/Modernization with representatives from North Carolina and Ohio. 

In State and Local Governments, critical services are often the oldest and most difficult to update. Modernization & consolidation of systems are even now more necessary to drive improved efficiency and security. Rodgers will focus on Planet’s success at helping governments not only upgrade their technology but also prepare the workforce to succeed going forward. A clear modernization and adoption plan is a must, so all stakeholders feel like they are part of the solution throughout the process. Building the right strategy requires having an agile methodology that always starts with a realistic assessment, shared vision across the organizations and concrete goals/timelines. Planet has decades of experience partnering with state and local governments on projects ranging from Azure Cloud Transformation Services to dynamic Power Platform applications driven by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Contact us to find out more!

The NASTD is a member-driven organization whose purpose is to advance and promote the effective use of information technology and services to improve the operation of state government. It’s members include information technology professionals from the 50 states, divided into four regions, and the private sector. State members provide and manage state government information technology services and facilities for state agencies and other public entities, often including hospitals, prisons, colleges and universities. These members also play a strategic role in planning and shaping state government technology infrastructures and policies. Corporate members provide information technology, services and equipment to state government.