Experts in Microsoft

Planet’s certifications, credentials, and specializations are the hallmarks of our Microsoft expertise.


Microsoft Partner
of the Year Awards

The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards are an annual recognition program that honors Microsoft’s top partners for their exceptional performance and innovative solutions. These awards highlight partners who have excelled in delivering outstanding customer solutions based on Microsoft technologies.
  • 7x Microsoft State & Local Government Partner of the Year
  • 6x Microsoft Federal Partner of the Year
  • 5x Microsoft O365 Cloud Partner of the Year
  • 4x Microsoft Cloud Partner of the Year for Government
  • 4x Microsoft Windows Partner of the Year
  • Microsoft Azure Security Deployment Partner of the Year


Microsoft Specializations & Counting

Microsoft specializations are awarded to partners who have undergone extensive validation by Microsoft or a third-party auditor on their ability to meet Microsoft’s highest standards of service delivery in a specific solution area.

Modern Work

  • Adoption and Change Management
  • Calling for Microsoft Teams
  • Modernize Endpoints
  • Teamwork Deployment


  • Cloud Security
  • ID and Access Management
  • Information Protection and Governance
  • Threat Protection


  • AI and Machine Learning in Microsoft Azure
  • Infra and Database migration to 
Microsoft Azure
  • Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop

Business Applications

  • Low Code Application Development


Microsoft Solutions Partner Designations

The Microsoft Solutions Partner designation reflects a specific area of expertise and capability in leveraging Microsoft technologies. These categories ensure that partners are recognized for their specialized skills and successful delivery of solutions in distinct domains. To attain a Microsoft Solutions Partner designation, partners must meet performance, skilling, and customer success criteria.

  • Microsoft Solutions Partner for Data and AI (Azure): Specialized in data and artificial intelligence solutions
  • Microsoft Solutions Partner for Digital and App Innovation (Azure): Centered around digital and app innovation
  • Microsoft Solutions Partner for Infrastructure (Azure): Expertise in Azure infrastructure solutions
  • Microsoft Solutions Partner for Modern Work: Focused on modern workplace solutions
  • Microsoft Solutions Partner for Security: Specialized in security solutions

More Notable Recognitions

Registered practitioner organization
Microsoft: Regional director
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
U.S. Department of labor: Gold Award
TribalHub: 2023 Proud associate member
Great place to work Certified

Let’s Talk

Solve your next business challenge leveraging the Microsoft tools and technology YOU ALREADY OWN.

Improving Communications for Law Enforcement

Planet’s Managed Services team facilitates the communication of information between state law enforcement agencies and the Department of Homeland Security. For more information on Planet’s secure managed service offerings, contact