Colorado Government Association of Information Technology, Spring Conference

Apr 12, 2018

April 29-May 2, 2018
Aspen, CO

Join Planet Technologies’ Janna Sieber, Manager of the Business Solutions Team, and Mandy McCullen, Senior Engineer on the Business Solutions Team from our Rocky Mountain and West Region division. They will be presenting at the Lunch Session on Monday, April 30th, so come meet our Microsoft experts and network with them after the session.

  • Technology Killing Productivity – For good or bad, technology has revolutionized the way organizations conduct business. Twenty years ago, new office technologies like email and teleconferencing contributed to a dramatic boost in productivity. However, today, the productivity growth has declined with more technology advances. Come hear how technology has impacted our past, present, and future productivity.

CGAIT is a professional organization made up of public sector IT leaders, directors and CIOs. Membership is primarily comprised of local government IT leaders, but is open to all IT professionals working in the public sector. The current membership is about 75 organizations and growing. Members include large organizations like the Adams County, City of Aurora, City of Colorado Springs and Arapahoe County all the way down to small places like Vail.