Planet Technologies Prepares State of California for a New Modern Workplace

Jun 27, 2018

Planet Technologies’ Modern Workplace Readiness (MWR) is an engagement made up of in-depth workshops designed to equip Clients with a framework for operating within Microsoft Cloud Services while addressing governance, security, functionality, and design standards.  

Planet is working with the State of California to prepare them for a new modern workplace by customizing their engagement to meet their goals and initiatives. These engagements may include a combination of the following:  

Modern Workplace Readiness (EMS, O365, Desktop)  

Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) Readiness 

As your organization embraces new technology, the balance between mobility and security must ensure that only the right people, under the right conditions, can access your organization’s data. The Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) suite, which includes Azure Active Directory, Intune, Azure Information Protection, and Advanced Threat Analytics is a key component in maintaining the integrity of an organization’s environment.  

EMS Strategy Assessment 

The EMS Strategy Assessment will provide a Modernization Strategy offering recommendations for working with the tools you already own to safeguard your organization’s data against user mistakes and outside attacks. Implementing the provided strategy will help your organization consolidate security management in one comprehensive, scalable solution taking the worry out of maintenance and updates. 

Office 365 Cloud Readiness  

The O365 suite sits at the core of how people get work done. The heart of cloud services, it meets the need for robust security, reliability, and productivity in the cloud. The goal is to enable employees to work anytime, anywhere, and to pick up where they left off on any device. The Collaboration and Productivity Assessment portion of a Modern Workplace ECR engagement offers discovery and learning sessions for the four main O365 workstreams. Including Exchange Online, Skype for Business, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint Online.  

Collaboration and Productivity Assessment 

The Collaboration and Productivity Assessment reviews each of the functional areas covered by O365’s workstreams:   

  • Email, Calendar, and Contact Management   
  • Chat/IM, Meetings, Video & Voice Conferencing, and Phone Systems   
  • Personal File Management   
  • Shared File Management and Collaboration Solutions  

The Collaboration and Productivity Assessment will provide a Modernization Strategy offering recommendations for cost reductions by eliminating redundancies and deficiencies and maximizing user adoption. Implementing the provided strategy will not only deliver immediate benefits, but will also inform an organization’s future course of action regarding process development, hardware acquisitions, and decommissions.   

Desktop Readiness 
Desktop Modernization Assessment 

Conventional approaches to desktop management are no longer adequate for the new digital workplace. A cloud-first model for devices, security, data, collaboration, and applications must be seamlessly integrated to maximize efficiency and productivity for employees. Transformation in end-user computing is inevitable, and Planet’s Desktop Management engagement offers discovery and learning sessions on the three pillars of desktop management. 

  • System Center Configuration Manager 
  • Windows 10 Enterprise 
  • Office 365 ProPlus 

The Planet Way

We don't just meet standards, we set them.

Planet Technologies was built around developing long-term relationships with our partners. We pride ourselves on working hard to keep our staff trained on the latest technologies, policy, and operational issues impacting today’s public and private sector environments. Being an expert on the technology we support is the first step, but more importantly is understanding your business mission and integrating technology into a long-term strategic plan.

Microsoft Learning and Adoption Service

Thrive amidst change and promote technology adoption with Planet’s 
award-winning Microsoft learning and adoption solution, Evolve 365.