Microsoft Azure Hands-on Technical Training for Administrators and Developers

Feb 23, 2022

Originally published on Techwire: Microsoft Azure Hands-on Technical Training for Administrators and Developers (

A critical and on-going focus for organizations that are on a cloud modernization journey is training existing workforce to ensure they are comfortable and confident with cloud technologies and tools.  

“Skilling up” your employees is a value gain for individuals and the organization. The employee receiving the training will gain additional skills, improved job productivity, increased company loyalty, and job satisfaction. The employer can see a change in company culture, adaptation to change, eagerness to learn, and commitment to your cloud journey.  

Why learn with the help of Planet? 

The training that makes the most impact is one that targets your goals and strategy, directed to the right employees, focused on the right technologies, and designed to create excitement. Without focus on the above impacts, your employee is thinking of their training class as a mini-vacation and the investment may be worthless. 

In the vast ecosystem of the Microsoft Azure Cloud, change is constant. Part of your cloud modernization journey will include building an organization that can adapt and learn as new services are offered and already-adopted services evolve. To meet this need, Planet offers customized training that speaks to your team and your cloud journey.  

Here is a brief look at two (2) popular Planet training courses: 

Azure Fundamentals Training

Planet’s Azure Fundamentals Training is intended to prepare organizations to plan, govern, manage, and deploy Azure workloads. 

This course contains modules and hands-on labs to create a solid foundation to build from. Starting from a solid foundation allows your organization the autonomy and confidence to modernize existing workloads and innovative new solutions. 

Azure Platform as a Service (PaaS) Developer Readiness Training 

The purpose of this training course is to prepare software developers and architects to develop functional and scalable application in Azure. 

Each hour spent learning how to develop and innovate will make the next challenge your team faces in Azure that much easier. Modern DevOps talks about continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), at Planet we talk about continuous learning and continuous acquisition (CL/CA). 

Planet’s Azure training builds foundational skills, is customized for your targeted building blocks, and creates enthusiasm for what the Azure Cloud can bring to your teams and the organization.  

For more information contact Jennifer Dodd at [email protected]