The industry inundates customers with this concept of Cloud Maturity and/or Cloud Readiness. But what does this really mean? Many “cloud enabled” companies believe being cloud mature means a customer is using their software package but in another compute environment, aka cloud, rather than their own on-premises datacenter. This is not what the term cloud mature or cloud readiness truly means. To be Cloud Ready/Mature is to realize and maximize your technology stack.
Many customers invest in licensing for Office365 but do not maximize the benefits of leveraging most, if not all, of the offerings within their licensing agreement. Most customers wish to move more of their datacenter into the cloud but do not know that to achieve advanced cloud workloads, you need to ensure your organization has the tools, policies, procedures, and technical architecture to support, secure, and maximize those cloud workloads.
A Cloud Maturity Model enables customers to understand where they are in compared to where they would like to be in the overall cloud adoption matrix. At Planet, we have developed a no-cost engagement for our customers called the “You Already Own It (YAOI)” program. Within this program, one of the benefits is a Cloud Strategy session. This half-day session promotes conversation surrounding what customers currently have deployed, own in Microsoft licensing, and discovery of what a customer may already own but has not deployed into their environment. During these conversations,customers benefit in knowing where they are within the Cloud Maturity Model and also achieve an actionable plan to that enables them to realize those advanced cloud workloads sooner and with lower risk. As a simple example; a customer who wants to implement Microsoft Azure Data Lakes but currently has no connectivity to/from their Azure environment to absorb structured data would not be mature enough for Azure Data Lakes, BUT they now know what they need to begin to achieve this goal.
Overall, Planet Technologies continues to invest in our customers success. Our goal is to enable our customers to become the agile, secure, and leading edge organization that they strive to be.
If you have interest in the “You Already Own It” program, then please email [email protected] to schedule your Cloud Strategy session.