Unleash the Power 
of Your Microsoft Investment

Planet’s no cost, no commitment You Already Own It® Program eliminates licensing redundancy and confusion while putting you on the right course to success and savings using what YOU ALREADY OWN.

You Already Own It

At Planet, we know that many public sector business challenges can be solved using the transformative power of the Microsoft tools and technologies already owned by our clients. As experts across the Microsoft stack, we help our clients leverage the full value of their existing Microsoft investments through our no-cost You Already Own It® program.

How can the You Already Own It® program help you? A lot. And it’s all free.


  • Better understand your Microsoft licensing and investment
  • Stay current on its evolving benefits
  • Maximize productivity and adoption through its use
  • On-demand access meets users where they are

1:1 You Already Own It Consultations Per Year

Do More with the Microsoft Solutions You Already Own

Simplify and optimize your Microsoft licensing and technology investments both in the cloud and on premises.

Make your Microsoft agreement work harder for you.

  • Microsoft License Optimization
  • Workforce Development & Learning Strategies
  • Planning & Vision
  • Decision Solution Proof Points
  • Financial Analysis & ROI
  • Integration & Deployment

Gain Access to award-winning
Microsoft expertise.

  • Security
  • Governance
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Power Platform and Power Apps
  • Modern Workplace
  • Teams & Teams Voice

Membership Benefits

Monthly Technical Content

Stay up-to-date with the most current and relevant Microsoft trends, news, and best practices.

Interactive Workshops

Participate in hands-on workshops designed to deepen your understanding of Microsoft tools and technologies—offering practical knowledge and skills that can be applied immediately.

Strategic Briefings

Attend exclusive briefings that offer insights into Microsoft’s strategic direction and upcoming innovations—providing you 
with the information you need to make informed decisions and 
stay competitive.


Attendees of 
Office Hours Since 2022

Leverage Microsoft to Drive Greater Public Impact

Are You Fully Leveraging Your Microsoft Investment to Meet Mission Objectives?

This is a question asked by many government executives. Learn how to fully leverage your Microsoft enterprise license agreement for public sector impact in our You Already Own It® white paper.

Here to Make a Difference

Please fill out our contact form to get on the path to cost savings and licensing simplicity.

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The Planet Way

We don't just meet standards, we set them.

Planet Technologies was built around developing long-term relationships with our partners. We pride ourselves on working hard to keep our staff trained on the latest technologies, policy, and operational issues impacting today’s public and private sector environments. Being an expert on the technology we support is the first step, but more importantly is understanding your business mission and integrating technology into a long-term strategic plan.

Microsoft Learning and Adoption Service

Thrive amidst change and promote technology adoption with Planet’s 
award-winning Microsoft learning and adoption solution, Evolve 365.